Cinematography & Post Production

I’m extremely lucky to be doing what I love and working with people who share the same burning passion for film and images as I do. For the past decade I’ve worked professionally across most departments of the television and motion picture industry, gaining a well-rounded and complete understanding of the creative process as it applies to film. With a strong focus on paying it forward and contributing as much as I can to a vast and collaborative creative field, I believe you never stop learning.

My true passion lies behind the camera and lighting for motion pictures as a Director of Photography. I also run a post-production facility as a colourist and special / motion effects artist and pursue these with the same enthusiasm as I do my love of cinema-photography. In my downtime I’m still behind the camera taking photos of my young son and the wonderfully diverse birdlife found all over the island.

I’m a big believer in giving back, so in addition to practice, I also teach – from private, advanced workshops focusing on camera and lighting techniques, to software training and post-production workflow guidance for larger groups. I’ve been lucky enough to travel the world sharing my knowledge with many studios and professionals in the film industry.

When I was asked to be a part of Inclusive Creatives, I honestly thought I might not have the time to commit to another project. But after seeing just how unique its approach and model is, combined with the wonderfully warmhearted place the team comes from, I thought, ‘How could I not be involved?’ I’m excited to be a part of Inclusive Creatives' next chapter, as resident screen practitioner, knowing it will be both creatively fulfilling and successful.

Matthew Scott has the sharpest sense of style, wit and camera lenses in town. He's also sporting the best beard in the team.

“I can give you world class results with a local feel.”